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2 min read
The Second Step to Filling Your Leadership Pipeline
Greg was ecstatic. The second he got back to his office he shut the door and called his wife. "We're going out for dinner tonight. It's...
2 min read
The Overlooked Secret to Raising Employee Engagement
Remember high school algebra? Did you enjoy it? How much of what you learned do you still use today? I remember very clearly when I...
2 min read
Avoid the Worst Mistake
What's the worst mistake you ever made? Let me ask it a different way: What's the most expensive mistake you ever made? Imagine losing...
1 min read
Which Way?
Will I have coffee this morning or stumble around half asleep until noon? Some decisions are easy. Others? Not so much. Should we pursue...
1 min read
Are You Really on the Same Page?
I was already somewhat intimidated by the retired Navy captain, but what happened next was simply embarrassing. We had invited the...
2 min read
The ROI on Vision
Imagine sitting down for a cup of coffee with each employee in your organization. After a bit of small talk, you ask them about your...
2 min read
Playing in the Fog
One of the eeriest games in American football history was played on December 31, 1988. The Philadelphia Eagles met the Chicago Bears at...
1 min read
Good Enough
Sometime "good enough" is, well ... good enough. Other times it isn't "good enough" until it's as close to perfect as possible. The...
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